Paid Social Media Advertising Is More Important than Ever

Paid Social Media Advertising Is More Important than Ever

WHY PAID SOCIAL MEDIA ADVERTISING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER With roughly two billion people on social media and the average person spending about 135 minutes a day on social media [1]  it adds up to… a whole lot of minutes in the day. Though we do love data, you...
How Apple iOS14 Privacy Updates Impact Digital Advertising

How Apple iOS14 Privacy Updates Impact Digital Advertising

HOW APPLE iOS 14 PRIVACY UPDATES IMPACT DIGITAL ADVERTISING After Meta’s stock price took a nosedive in early 2022, many people were left wondering what happened. In February, Meta admitted it may continue to lose revenue due in large part to industry-shifting change:...
This Year’s Digital Media Trends

This Year’s Digital Media Trends

Post-Pandemic Digital Media  Trends  The digital age is upon us. It has been for some time. When COVID-19 spread into a global pandemic, the ubiquity of digital media accelerated much faster than many anticipated. What was once a leisurely luxury quickly turned into a...
Programmatic Advertising Demystified

Programmatic Advertising Demystified

In a digital marketing landscape filled with jargon, programmatic advertising continues to claim the “buzzword blue ribbon” when it comes to acronyms, unclear language, and generally hazy definitions/understandings of actually-very-straightfoward concepts. So there’s...