How to Choose the Right Celebrity Spokeperson

How to Choose the Right Celebrity Spokeperson

Endorsements, at their core, work by implying that a celebrity’s talents, attractiveness, or success are in some part due to the product’s benefits. Hiring a celebrity to endorse a brand or product can increase demand, boost recognition and attract new customers....
Considered Purchases Branding: Homeowner as Hero

Considered Purchases Branding: Homeowner as Hero

  The teenage boy pops a piece of Blast chewing gum in a crowded hallway at his high school. Immediately, a cool shot of minty flavor explodes in his mouth. His newfound fresh breath boosts his confidence so high he can ask the cute cheerleader standing by her...
Wearable Tech – Because Smart Phones Are Now Passe

Wearable Tech – Because Smart Phones Are Now Passe

If mobile and big data are still the current marketer obsessions du jour, it’s not hard to see tomorrow’s “it” fascinations just around the corner of our google glass field of vision … from where we’re looking these would be...