1. Recent polling data suggests a big dollars shift from TV to online video might finally be under way. In an October survey by Adap.tv and Digiday, 31% of responding brands said they were “planning to shift their advertising budgets away from broadcast television and into online video, while 30% planned to take money away from display advertising for online video. That represents a significant change since 2012, when brands were pulling dollars from display or print, but less so from television budgets,” says a summary article from eMarketer.

2. However, Ad Age notes that “Based strictly off hype, one might think web video was taking a big chunk out of TV viewing. But the data says not-so-fast: web video accounts for just 2.3% of total TV viewing, according to an analysis of Nielsen’s ‘Cross-Platform’ report released this week.” While Ad Age says, “some experts might lead one to believe otherwise, video consumption is not hastily moving from TV to the web just yet.”

3. It’s never wise to place too much faith in projections, but an August 2013 eMarketer analysis projects a nine billion dollar market for online video by 2017, which is still a fraction of the projected $75 billion TV spend.

4. Meanwhile, Media Post asks, “Are networks perpetrating TV, online video fraud?” The answer from Integrated Ad Science’s Mike Iantosca on the “How Bad Is The Inventory” panel during MediaPost’s Video Insider Summit: “The definition of ‘fraud,’” he said, is “an impression not viewed by a human.” According to Iantosca, as much as “60%” of online video ads are “not being viewed.”

5. Ready to go into the weeds on this macro topic? You could find a much worse entry point to the jungle than IAB’s 120-slide, graph-and-data-filled presentation on Comprehensive Picture of Digital Video and TV Advertising (Viewing, Budget, Share Shift & Effectiveness.